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Vennly is an audio-focused spiritual health app that aims to create a safe space for users to seek inspiration and guidance from top spiritual and community leaders on a variety of topics.
The evolution of a parent’s personal spiritual life can feel frustrating and filled with longing for what-was. I hope this leaves you with a bit of joy, a few laughs, and a heaping of hope for the sacred beauty guaranteed to come.
This perspective is part of a series of stories entitled Quarantine Diaries. Folks around the world have been asked to Shelter-in-place which has given us more time to be with ourselves, our loved ones, and those hopes and dreams we put on pause in our regular comings and goings. I hope these short and frank talks can be a companion for your own journey, or simply provide a moment away from the pressures of the day. Our short time together means you are not alone.
This perspective is my take on a bible passage that puts diversity and the honoring of difference into an interesting dialogue. 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 is image rich and heavy with seemingly simple admonishings that we find so difficult at times as a joined body of humanity. This story is inspired by my elders and I hope that it will also be an inspiration to you. I call it Auntie’s Kitchen.
This perspective is part of a series of stories entitled Quarantine Diaries. Folks around the world have been asked to Shelter-in-place which has given us more time to be with ourselves, our loved ones, and those hopes and dreams we put on pause in our regular comings and goings. I hope these short and frank talks can be a companion for your own journey, or simply provide a moment away from the pressures of the day. Our short time together means you are not alone.
This perspective is a story that asks the question, what does it mean to be great? It is inspired by a biblical passage I found somewhat difficult to digest. Matthew chapter 23 with a focus on verses 8-11. I had to call on the wisdom of my elders and brought them to life for you. I hope that they will give you the same love and wisdom that they share with me.
A passage in the Course of Miracles states that the real miracle is the love that inspires them. I hope that these stories are an inspiration to you to discover, remember and share your own small moments of love that lead to the miraculous in your life.
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